Revelation of Hope Ministries exists with the focus and goal of increasing the population of heaven by lifting up the beauty and power of Jesus in the context of His end-time prophetic message of hope. However, this cannot be accomplished by one man or ministry alone. It will require the integration of time, talents, resources, and influence to create the spiritual synergy necessary to complete this work. God is calling us individually and personally to “Go” and make a difference in the lives of others. But if we cannot physically go, we can give, so that others can go in our place. It is by going and giving that we become destiny transformers. This is our daily prayer and earnest ambition.

Revelation of Hope Ministries is a faith-based, no-limits, worldwide, 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that is completely dependent on God working through partners and supporters like you. The needs of the world are far greater than our resources, but we’ve been promised that “All the resources of heaven are at the command of those who are seeking to save the lost.” – Christ Object Lessons, p. 197. It is with faith in this promise that we extend an earnest appeal to you: Please prayerfully consider four different ways you can give today to support this heaven-inspired endeavor.


Four ways to give



Partner with us to continue to producing creative life changing videos like our Reflections of Hope and World Changers Episodes. Become a Revelation of Hope Patreon partner. Your monthly contribution of any amount will keep these videos flowing, penetrating places that people cannot physically go. Spreading light, and giving hope to the furthest parts of our world.



Each week, Revelation of Hope Ministries receives multiple invitations from all over the world. Our busy speaking schedule keeps us on the road approximately 9 months out of the year. We realize that in order to meet this great need and still live sustainable lives, we need to find ways to multiply the message in order to increase effectiveness and impact. And so, we have outlined several ministry projects that need a “push” in order to bring them to life. Please prayerfully consider endorsing (pushing to life) one of these ministry projects by a monthly or one-time tax-deductible donation of any amount. 

  • Give away 2,000 GLOW Tracts - $100

  • Give away 100 Seminar Bibles - $500

  • Produce and record a Reflections of Hope Object Lesson Episode - $3-5k

  • Sponsor a Mission Trip - $4k

  • Sponsor an Evangelistic Seminar - $17k



Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Matt. 9:37). From God’s perspective, there is no lack of interest, of need, or of resources. What God lacks is workers. Individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and talents to impact others for eternity. Here are some areas of need that perhaps God is calling you to participate in…

- Videographers
- Video Editors 
- Sound Editors 
- Writers and Editors 
- Graphic Designers
- Web Designers 
- Marketing Strategists  
- Artists and Illustrators 
- Translators 

I would like to volunteer my time and skills to ROH Ministries. 



“The secret of success is the union of divine power with human effort. Those who achieve the greatest results are those who rely most implicitly upon the Almighty Arm...The men of prayer are the men of power” (PP 509). Even if you are not able to partner, lack the means to push, and have no time to participate, you do have the voice to pray! Please add Revelation of Hope Ministries to your daily prayer list. Ask God to give us the focus to be faithful, the wisdom to be effective, the courage to be bold, and the love to be like Jesus. 

You may also give by phone:

1.844.WHY.HOPE (949.4673)

Or by mailing a check to:

Revelation of Hope Ministries

PO Box 2001

Waianae, HI 96792