Revelation of Hope: Bible Prophecy Seminar
35 power-packed presentations covering God’s final prophetic, present truth message. With over 50 hours of material, Evangelist Taj Pacleb systematically and sequentially expounds on all the major prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, with each message finding its focus and foundation in Jesus Christ. Every major question of the Bible is answered in this Spirit-filled seminar. Perfect for sharing with non-Adventist friends and young people, as well as experienced clergy.
“This is the most powerful and heart changing evangelistic series I have ever heard. Through it the Holy Spirit challenges the mind and grips the soul. I recommend this seminar without reservation!” – Pastor Stephen Bohr, Secrets Unsealed
Presentation Titles
1. Unlocking the Mysteries of the Apocalypse
2. The End! Is it Here, Near, or Mere Fear?
3. Prophecy’s Final Countdown
4. Superpowers of Prophecy
5. The Lamb of Revelation
6. Revelation’s Star Wars: Why Does A Loving God Allow Sin and Suffering?
7. Revelation’s Two Minute Warning (2,300 Day Prophecy)
8. Israel in Prophecy
9. Revelation’s Knight in Shining Armor: The Secret About the Secret Rapture
10. Revelation’s Answer for Global Peace
11. Revelation’s Eternal Sign of Love
12. Antichrist’s Greatest Deception
13. How to Postpone Your Funeral (Health)
14. Can the Dead Speak to Us? – Deadly Deceptions, Lovely Lies, and Confusing Counterfeits Exposed
15. Revelation’s Final Showdown: A Thousand Years of Peace and Prison
16. The Unquenchable Love: God’s Love in Hell’s Fire
17. Living to Die & Dying to Live
18. Revelation’s Beauty and the Beast
19. Revelation’s Mysterious Horsemen: If There is Only One God, Why so Many Denominations?
20. Path to the Throne of God
21. The Wine of Babylon
22. Survivors of the Longest War: In Search for the True Church
23. Movement of Destiny (Rev. 10)
24. Revelation’s Spirit of Prophecy
25. The Abomination of Desolation
26. The Mark of the Beast & the Seal of God
27. The United States in Bible Prophecy
28. The Gospel in the 7 Last Plagues
29. The Battle of Armageddon
30. The Bad Breath of the Beast: Must I Speak in Tongues to Be Saved?
31. A Love That Transforms
32. The Sin that God Cannot Forgive
33. The Greatest Coward in the Bible
34. No Turning Back: Can A Saved Man Choose to be Lost?
35. What Will Heaven Be Like?