An Urgent and Earnest Appeal


Testimony by Pastor Mesikt Idechong

We had the privilege of having the Revelation of Hope Ministries conduct evangelistic series under a big white tent pitched on the lawn of the Guam SDA clinic. I am blessed to be the Pastor of a church that loves supporting evangelism. However, I didn't have any personal experience with the Revelation of Hope team other than having listened to one or two online sermons several years ago by Taj. The “Weed of Death to the Word of Life” message was one that touched my heart especially because I could deeply relate to it. So when the ROH team came to Guam, I had an opportunity to familiarize myself with them as they ministered in the Word, in music, and in something new that I had not personally seen before: filming short, beautiful, cinematic object lessons based on nature, adventure, and history. I have had training and experience in running and preaching in several public meetings, but what I saw and experienced with Revelation of Hope Ministries in Guam left a deep and lasting impression on me as a Christian and as a pastor.
There are 3 ways that it did this…

1. The WHOLE Gospel was preached from the Lamb of Revelation to the Mark of the Beast. I saw the full gospel preached night after night without compromising of truth, yet delivered with a visible love for the people. For so long, I have wondered how to present the Word in a way where it was not simply a "feel good" message with no power or a "be good" message with no joy. With Revelation of Hope Ministries, I found the answer to that question each night. I heard straight from the Bible, doctrinal preaching beautifully coupled with the holy love of Calvary's cross, and the people rejoiced to hear it all. This has changed my ministry as a Christian and as a Pastor. Their model is a model that I have learned from and have applied in my ministry. 


2. Music was beautifully used each night to prepare the hearts for the preaching of the Word and as an appeal to the heart to accept that Word. I love to sing and use music in my own meetings, but I had not witnessed such an intentional, creative, and inspiring way that uplifting music was used each night to accompany the Word as it did in these meetings. Words fail me now as I try to describe how delightfully blessed and surprised I was to see how uplifting music was used. They even gave me the privilege of singing a few songs with them during the meetings. What a joy it was! You have to experience it to fully understand. 

3. I was inspired to the core to see what God could do with a weak, island vessel in His hands. I understand that there is a temptation for people to be won to the preacher and not to Christ, but as I sat in these meetings, I saw Christ constantly being lifted up as the sinner's only hope. 

I was not dazzled or starstruck by Taj Pacleb as simply a gifted preacher. Rather, I was amazed and moved to see just what the grace of God can do with him as an island boy who surrendered all to God. I would think to myself, "Look at what God can do with an island boy! Look at what God can do with these island children who give themselves to Him." Seeing Taj, Wati, and Jackie use their unique gifts in ministry has inspired me in such a way that I cannot fully express in words. My heart burns just trying to describe it. 

I am from an island in the Pacific. Many times these islands are viewed as those small ink droplets on a classroom globe. The Micronesian islands are so small when compared with other countries. But just because we are small doesn't mean we have to think small. This is what I saw in Taj, Wati, and the ROH team. God will use anyone no matter how humble their origin. He is no respecter of persons. It is not the power of the preacher, but the power of the message of Jesus that counts! Even though we may be small, it is now time for us to think BIG. We are Micronesia in our size, but we can be "Meganesia" in our evangelism. God is able to use any broken, humble vessel to share Christ.

Each night, I witnessed the promotion of Christ and His redeeming love as it was presented in distinctive truths and I witnessed many people giving their hearts to God. No, I was not stunned or starstruck by Taj. Rather, God deeply impressed in my heart that what He did with Taj and Wati, He could do with me, a simple island boy who has a heart desire to share the hope found in the Gospel. What God is doing for all those in Revelation of Hope Ministries, He can do for you today. In my experience with these meeting, I can say with confidence that there was one Person who shined the brightest - that is our Lord Jesus Christ! May it always be so. I believe in Revelation of Hope Ministries because I see God in it. And as long as they continue to stay true to their Savior and His divine message in these last days, they will always have my highest endorsement, support, and prayers. For His glory and by His grace alone, may Revelation of Hope Ministries continue to increase the population of heaven, one soul at a time. We love you. We support you. And we look forward to having you back. The Lord richly bless you in all that you do.


Check out the inspiring video report of what God did in Guam on our YouTube channel. Search: “Salvation Under the Big White Tent.” Please keep ROH Ministries in prayer as we return to Guam this February 2020, to conduct another 3-week Bible prophecy seminar.


An Earnest Appeal

Aloha ka kou! Since Wati and I resigned from the Central California Conference 4 years ago to start our own self- supporting ministry, the Lord has taken us to over 40 countries and multiple states. We’ve seen over 400 people baptized and many others make decisions for Jesus. Through it all, Wati and I have always been able to travel together in order to protect our marriage and ministry. We’ve also been able to start an online Bible school, produce and record several revival seminars on DVD, and produce over 20 “Reflections of Hope” episodes from all over the world. We are so grateful to God for the opportunities He has given us. This humble ministry has been sustained by the faith of a handful of partners and supporters that have donated generously to send us all over the world. As we look back over the last 4 years, we see God’s hand of blessing upon this ministry. We receive confirmation of God’s blessings each week as people from all over the world send us testimonies of the impact that our physical and online presence has made in their lives. We give God all the glory for what He has done in growing this ministry and enlarging our territory! In the last year or so, we have had great need for administrative help. Thus far it has been mainly Wati and I running every aspect of this ministry: administration, accounting, fundraising, taxes, communication, web design, logistics, marketing, social media management, mission projects, and sermon/content creation. This is in addition to all the actual traveling, preaching, and evangelizing we do around the world. We are realizing that the amount of work and travel that we have been doing is unsustainable long-term. At times we have felt overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, and fatigued in trying to make sure everything gets done. God has sustained us so far, but we’ve come to the realization that in order for us to continue this ministry, we have to make a choice between two options:


1) Hire a full or part-time administrator to run the administrative side of the ministry. 

2) Cut back our travel and work load significantly in order to maintain our health and run the ministry efficiently.

We prefer the first option rather than the second. The first option will enable us to grow the ministry and have a bigger impact while maintaining a healthy life and a sustainable ministry. Hiring a full-time administrator would relieve Wati and I of most of the administrative burdens that come with managing and growing a self-supporting ministry.

It will enable us to maintain our health as we continue to travel around the world and free us to focus on doing what we do best - content creation, revival, discipleship, and evangelism. This is our goal. But we can no longer afford to sacrifice our health and well-being to accomplish it. As we prayed about who could fill the role of a full-time administrator, the Lord impressed us with the ideal person who has the spirituality, skills, work ethic, and desire to fill this position with competence and excellence. Our goal is to employ this Spirit-filled individual at the beginning of January 2020. In just a few weeks!


But this is truly a faith venture as we do not currently have the all the funds to make this a reality. We are praying for donors that are willing to step out in faith and pledge approximately $4k a month to bring this goal to fruition. We humbly ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to this end. All we need is 4 people to pledge $1k each month, 40 people to pledge $100 each month, or 100 to pledge $40 each month and we will reach this goal. We realize that this is a large goal and a substantial investment, but isn’t God bigger than all our needs? We are confident that He can do “exceedingly abundantly above all the we can ask or think according to the power that works in us” (Eph. 3:20). I like to say that if it’s God’s will, then it’s His bill! But then, perhaps the Lord desires to use you to be the answer to our prayer in helping to reach this goal. Our only burden is to grow the kingdom of God and spread the true Spirit of Aloha around the world. As we get ready to begin this new year, we invite you to join us in this exciting faith-building, self-sacrificing, character-shaping, destiny-transforming venture to make the biggest impact possible for Jesus in the little time we have left. Thank you so much for prayerfully considering this appeal. Aloha and Maranatha!

Taj and Wati Pacleb

Taj Pacleb