Awiti's Story
I grew up in an Apostolic Church along my seven siblings. My father is district Evangelist and the final authority in our household, what he believed, we believed. From my youth I always participated in church events, rallies and camps, I wanted to close to God.
When I started studying at university I found it hard to go to church, I felt like it was normal to just pray in the house without necessarily going to church. With this idea in mind I sometimes could go for a day, a week or maybe a month without praying or reading the Bible. I justified this by knowing that it would be fine because I knew my parents were praying for me.
By my third year of university, I was buried in school tuition, my father being sick at the time, there was no way to pay my school fees. I felt helpless, and didn’t know what to do or where to turn. I thought about deferring a semester and not attending school. God intervened through an elder, who told me not to worry about the fees and shared of Gods love for me and how God is longing to have a deep personal relationship with me. The elder reminded me that through God all things were possible and that my school fees would be taken care of. God did pull through and my school fees were paid.
I prayed out loud a short prayer, Jesus thank you so much. The words were not important – it was my thanksgiving for what God had done for me. I started to go back to church every Sunday, and several changes took place in my life. I started engage my roommates in prayers before we would go to bed and we had some simple Bible studies. Through this act I found myself becoming less prejudice and less judgmental – I enjoyed speaking to people who I never spoke with before. My heart’s desire was to read the words of Jesus and experience it’s transforming power.
Over the next school term, I started to enjoy gospel songs, sermons and presentations. Most of my free time was spent on the school WiFi watching sermons. One day while watching TV, I came across a sermon presented by Taj Pacleb of the Revelation of Hope Ministries. The sermon was at its end and I didn’t grasp too much but it was a message on the Secret Rapture. I got curious, and was convicted, the topic touched my heart, I had never heard this before. That sermon lingered in my mind and the next time I was on the school WiFi I looked up Taj on YouTube. That is when my life took an infinite turn. I came to find what my heart had been yearning for, what my heart had always been searching for. A lot of my questions were answered. I watched all the Revelation of Hope presentations and studied my Bible. I came to realize that all my life Satan had blinded me and I was deep in deception, I was not following all the commandments of God.
As the truth came, I began to feel worried. I wondered, “How am I going to disclose this truth to my Evangelist Father who taught me my whole life to keep Sunday holy?” I knew he would consider this as disobedience and would possibly disown me.
I contacted Taj directly about this matter and he connected me with sister Anita of Mara Vision Outreach and brother Ratemo of Hope Channel Kenya. I got a lot of good advice and counsel with them. On the 25thday of August 2019, I made my stand for Jesus and was baptized into the Adventist faith at Kisumu South church in Central Nyanza Conference, Kisumu city, Kenya.
I am fully in the faith and I was able to share with my brother who has also made his decision for Jesus and is an Adventist. I am determined not to go back to the counterfeit of Satan. I have found great peace of mind; my questions have been answered.
By having the greatness of God’s love pointed out to me, my life took a big turn. I am no longer bound to people pleasing, but am free and secure to make my own decisions.
Knowing that God loves and accepts me, helps me not to depend on others for their acceptance and love. I feel secure in God- for example he has given me the boldness to write this testimony, something I would have not done before I became convinced of God’s acceptance. He truly has given me a purpose and direction in life.
I owe this light of my soul to the Almighty God, to Taj Pacleb, and to all those who made me who I am today.
Awiti Gordon
Awiti Gordon the day of his baptism, August 25, 2019
Praise the Lord for Awiti and testimonies just like his. Receiving testimonies from people around the world has been an encouragement for us to keep moving forward in the work the Lord has put before us. It is through your prayers and support that allow us to share the love of Christ to all those we come in contact with and through media. Thank you!