American Samoa is a beautiful place to visit. Located off the beaten path, it is rich in nature and spiritual lessons. Take a look at the five coconut trees growing on this little mountain. Here are the lessons I learned from them!

  1. You gotta grow and bear fruit where you’re planted. Jesus has a purpose for YOU! Not sure what it is? Just ask! He loves to reveal His plans to His children.

  2. Even though you may feel isolated, you’re not alone.

  3. You need a solid foundation in order to flourish.

  4. Stand tall on your mountain, no matter how small it may be.

  5. It doesn’t matter who’s highest, as long as we’re growing together.

  6. There is beauty in simplicity.

  7. Coconuts are so cool!

  8. A picture is worth a thousand words! (See more at tajimagery.com)

God is seeking to teach us important lessons through His second book—nature. May we take to heart what He would have us learn. I encourage you to spend time out in nature today and see what lessons you can find!

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