Daniel 2 Statue

Daniel 2 Statue
In the second chapter of the Old Testament apocalyptic book of Daniel we find one of the most remarkable prophecies in the Bible. It is the foundational prophecy of which all other apocalyptic prophecies are built upon. King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon received a prophetic dream that that has deep relevance for our day. He saw an image of a man, made of 4 different metals. Each metal representing a kingdom that would dominate from Daniel’s day to the last days. A divine timeline of the kingdoms that would rule the world, down throughout the ages, culminating with the final solid ROCK kingdom of Christ!
This heavy statue, with the accompanying rock, is made of ceramic and resin and measures 9 inches tall. Bring it with you to a Bible study as the perfect visual aid to illustrated the message of prophecy. Leave it on your desk at work or in your business as a great conversation starter. Use it as a paper weight in the office to constantly remind yourself of the amazing truth of Bible prophecy. Give is as a gift to the newly baptized, the young person heading off to school, or your local Pastor and Bible worker. This beautiful piece of art is ready to be used to take minds back to the reality that God’s Word is true and that Jesus is coming soon!